Museum store magazine
Museum Store magazine, MSA’s biannual publication, is the leading source of ideas, interviews, and information for store operators at nonprofit and cultural institutions.
For information about advertising in the magazine, click the “Reserve Your Ad Today” button.
For more than 40 years, Museum Store magazine has provided readers with stories and features to inspire them, give them ideas, and extend the profession. Articles in Museum Store support MSA’s eight Knowledge Standards—those core skills and abilities operators need to be the best nonprofit retail professional possible. Authors include members and retail industry experts. You will find an extensive Buyer’s Guide, highlighting products available for your store.
To view the Fall/Winter 2024 edition of Museum Store magazine >> CLICK HERE
Click here to see recent issues of the magazine (please note this is a members-only page and you will need to log in to see past issues).
If you are interested in advertising in Museum Store magazine (print or digital issue), please click here to view the 2024 Media Kit.
How would you like it delivered?
- PRINT EDITION – Become an MSA member or a magazine subscriber to receive two issues annually delivered to your mailbox.
- ONLINE EDITION – MSA members can access the online edition to peruse on computers and tablets any time.
- MAGAZINE APP – MSA members can have download Museum Store magazine app on iTunes, an interactive way to take in the latest issue on your iPad.
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Museum Store: The Manager's Guide Fifth Edition
978-1-5381-8531-5 • Hardback • August 2024 • $115.00 • (£88.00)
978-1-5381-8532-2 • Paperback • August 2024 • $55.00 • (£42.00)
978-1-5381-8533-9 • eBook • June 2024 • $52.00 • (£40.00)
The revised and updated Fifth Edition of Museum Store: The Manager’s Guide includes invaluable new tools not available in previous editions.
MSA members can use the PROMO CODE for 30% DISCOUNT for the EBOOK. This is good until June 2025.
Look for:
- Updated information on social media and mobile shopping to help you maximize the value of these important channels
- How-to’s for analyzing and measuring financial performance, visual merchandising, marketing, managing personnel and more
- BONUS: Forms found in the book that you can download from the MSA website
- New insights into unrelated business income tax (UBIT) and copyright issues
This practical guide is a “must own” resource for every back office. The eight-chapter volume includes a wealth of advice on best practices compiled by the MSA to help members become more successful in every aspect of their business. Get guidance from experienced store manager pros to help you correctly evaluate your store’s performance and get on track to boost every aspect of performance. If you add just one educational resource to your library this year, this book should be it! The information it contains is that valuable.

MSA News Brief
MSA News Brief is a monthly e-newsletter just for MSA members. It features important updates, event information, announcements, industry news, and more. There is no need to subscribe; when you join the MSA as a member, you’re automatically registered to receive the MSA News Brief.
Current Issue
Click here to read the February 2025 News Brief.
Past Issues
Click here to see past issues of MSA News Brief. (Please note this is a members-only page and you will need to log in to view past issues.)
Advertising Opportunities
Promote your business or products to a targeted audience of nearly 1200 MSA members! The majority of our membership consists of museum store buyers and other nonprofit retail professionals.
Available News Brief Display Ads and Current Rates:
Clickable header advertisement | 1100 x 180 pixels | $250 each or $500 for 3 | $300 each or $550 for 3 |
Clickable sidebar advertisement | 121 x 351 pixels | $200 each or $450 for 3 | $250 each or $500 for 3 |
Clickable footer advertisement | 1100 x 180 pixels | $125 each or $350 for 3 | $175 each or $400 for 3 |
Clickable mid-email advertisement | 1100 x 180 pixels | $125 each or $350 for 3 | $175 each or $400 for 3 |
Average 2024 News Brief open rate: 52%
Average 2024 News Brief click rate: 10%
For more information or to inquire about advertising in a future News Brief, please contact Karen Raudabaugh at

Working with our publishing partner Routledge, we continually work to bring you these specialized publications. Routledge produces a wide range of products in a targeted set of fields, including anthropology, archaeology, museum studies, and qualitative research.
Museum Store Association Retail Industry Report, 2022 Edition, eBook Financial, Operations, Salary, and Best Practices Information for the Nonprofit Retail Industry
Member Price: $350 (must log into member account to receive member rate)
Non-Member Price: $480
Institutions who participated in the study are eligible for special pricing; please contact MSA at (202) 367-1106 or by email at
The 2022 MSA Retail Industry Report, the first edition since 2018, provides benchmarks and insights that enable nonprofit retail professionals and institutions to make smart business decisions and maximize sales in museum stores. It includes hundreds of pages of actionable information and over 200 tables, including comparisons by geography, size, gross sales and museum type against which you can compare your own store.
To purchase your digital copy, click HERE.

THIRD EDITION: The New Store Workbook The Essential Steps from Business Plan to Opening Day
The New Store Workbook gets down to the nitty gritty of planning to open a new museum store, from calculating the sales dollars needed per square foot, to estimating dollars spent by visitors, all the way to moving the whole operation onto the right e-commerce platform. The thirteen chapters that make up this journey are peppered with charts, tables, and real-world examples, including inventory projections, purchase orders, job announcements, and press releases. The new edition expands the discussion on social media, mobile shopping and new platforms for e-commerce and includes a complete chapter dedicated to the ins and outs of the Unrelated Business Income Tax. It’s your personal assistant, helping you embark on a successful adventure straight through opening day.

Numbers by the Book A Financial Guide for the Cultural Commerce & Specialty Retail Manager
January 2014 | 96 pages | 5.50 x 8.50
eBook ISBN: 978-1-61132-876-9
Paperback + CD-ROM ISBN: 978-1-61132-875-2
Numbers by the Book is a step-by-step guide to the financial side of planning, opening and operating a successful museum retail operation. This 96-page gem is lavishly illustrated with tables and charts to guide you through the process of creating budgets, choosing a POS system, purchasing and measuring success. It includes 14 worksheets and forms to launch your museum store towards profit!

Marketing Cultural and Heritage Tourism A World of Opportunity
Rosemary Rice McCormick (Author)
January 2014 |180 pages | 6.00 x 9.00
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-61132-877-6
Innovative tourism industry leader Rosemary Rice McCormick guides the reader through the basics of marketing and tourism know-how for museum store managers and other museum and heritage marketing professionals. Packed with valuable ideas and case studies, it will teach you how to build your business in the fast-growing, global tourism market, increase museum visitation and museum store sales, leverage business partnerships, and tap into that “drive market” that consists of 85% of U.S. travelers. This valuable resource is a must for all those in the business of connecting people with the cultural wealth of our museums and parks. The book received a 2011 SASI-ONE Gold Award from the Shop America Alliance.