All MSA members are also members of their regional chapter. Click here for a map of chapters and their territory.
Chapter activities will be listed in your Chapter Group and on the MSA Calendar.
Vendors can reach out to their Chapter Vendor Advisor if you are looking for best practices or vendor-related questions.

Florida (FL, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Caribbean, Central & South America)
Rebecca Petrie, Chapter President
Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum of the Seminole Tribe of Florida
Ray Eme, Chapter Vice President
Lightner Museum St. Augustine, FL
Jesse Smith, Chapter Secretary
Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science
Dan Ayers-Price, Chapter Treasurer
Key West Art & Historical Society
Tara McGowan, Chapter Vendor Advisor

Mid-Atlantic (VA, PA, DE, NJ, MD)
Allie Wolf, Chapter President
Princeton University Art MuseumÂ
Richie Sklar, Chapter Vice President
Eastern State Penitentiary
Sherre Atkins, Chapter Secretary
Robert Russa Moton Museum
Andrea Pollock, Chapter Treasurer
Independence Seaport Museum
Adalberto Pena, Chapter Vendor Advisor
Untitled Union

Midwest(MN, IA, NE, MO, IL, WI, MI, IN, KY, OH, WV)
Anna Erwin, Chapter President
Speed Art Museum
Jenna Teachout, Chapter Vice President
Fly Buy at Air Zoo
Laurie French, Chapter Secretary
Toledo Museum of Art
Deanna Kindell, Chapter Treasurer
Armstrong Air & Space Museum
Karen Torres, Chapter Vendor Advisor
Tulia’s Artisan Gallery

North Atlantic (NY, VT, NH, MA, CT, RI, ME, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Europe, Israel & Middle East)
Carolyn Liv, Chapter President
Wave Hill Garden
Kate Ludwig, Chapter Vice President
Cradle of Aviation Museum
Joseph Brichacek, Chapter Secretary
Poster House
Anna Gesing, Chapter Treasurer
Addison Gallery of American Art
Jeannie May, Chapter Vendor Advisor

Pacific Northwest (OR, WA, ID, MT, WY,ND, SD, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon)
Lindsey Dabek, Chapter President
Seattle Art Museum
JoAnne Karnop, Chapter Secretary
Museum of the Rockies – Montana State University
Blue Anderson, Chapter Treasurer
Columbia River Maritime Museum
 Sydney C’ de Baca, Chapter Vendor Advisor
Chavah’s Garden: Beautiful Usefulness

South Atlantic (NC, SC, TN, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA)
Sophie Cosper, Chapter President
Birmingham Museum of Art
Renee Maurer, Chapter Vice President
Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Arts
Cortney Garner, Chapter Secretary
MDAH | Two Mississippi Museums
Laura Cagaoan, Chapter Treasurer
Customs House Museum & Cultural Center
Alice Woods, Chapter Vendor Advisor
ABW Designs, LLC

Southwest Central (KS, OK, TX, Mexico)

Western (AZ, CA, CO, NV, NM, UT, Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand and other Pacific Rim Countries)
Kelli Davis, Chapter President
Ague Caliente Cultural Museum
Donovan Harris, Chapter Vice President
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art
Miriam Robbins, Chapter Secretary
Lowell Observatory
Matt Quinonez, Chapter Treasurer
San Diego Museum of Art
Elizabeth Eguez, Chapter Vendor Advisor
two hermanas